Tuesday 26 August 2008

Friends and Cats

Once upon a time there lived a girl called Rachel, she was twelve years old and loved animals. She had four dogs, two cats and three mice! So it was quite lucky that she lived on a farm, along with her brother, mother and father.

Every morning Rachel would fetch the eggs, milk the cow and feed the horses, then she would turn in and have a good breakfast of bacon and fresh eggs. After that she and her family would go and finish off their chores. She did not have any particularly hard ones.

One day as she was riding down the road with her good friend Haley, on the side of the country lane they were riding on there was a small box. "I wonder what is in that box over there," said Haley (she was also an animal lover). "I don't know. Shall we hop down and see?" replied Rachel. The two girls hopped off their ponies and tied them to a nearby tree. They peeked inside the box and saw several small, thin kittens. "Gosh!" cried Rachel and Haley at the same time. "What shall we do?" whispered Haley. "Let's get them to my house and see what mum says."


1 comment:

mango said...

Did they get to keep the kittens?