Saturday, 24 November 2007

My sprained wrist

On Wednesday the week before last, I sprained my wrist while I was running to play a game called Bulldog.I sprained my wrist by running in to someone.That person was running towards me and I was running strait ahead. I am not quite sure how it happened I think that I fell on it bending it backwards.I also got loads of scraps and scratches.I had to wear something to soport my wrist for a few days it really bugged me. The worst thing is that I had a go karting party to go to about a week afterwards and the steering wheels are so stif my wrist had started to really hurt after a while.

Saturday, 3 November 2007


We had bought a big box of fireworks from Waitrose and we said we were only going to let of a few of them but we ended up letting the whole box off. My favourite kinds of firework were the rockets and sparklers. I liked the rockets because they are very exciting, beautiful and they take you by surprise when they explode.I liked the sparklers because they always look like they are about to burn you but they don't;I also like them because they are really pretty and you can make nice patterns when you wave them about.The other ones were like a fountain of colours and there was another one just shot a colour up in to the air then shot another colour up in to the air and so on.